Do you remember your rhyming lessons in kindergarten? Who even thought that what looked like fun and play those days would be so essential for our language development?
Rhyming is not just a way of putting things across in a fun and engaging way. If done properly, rhyming can help kids learn about a great number of words at a very young age and remember them too. Rhyming helps kids learn different words from a family and even helps to acquire the skills to put it together. And it’s already proven that kids with good vocabulary develop more robust writing and reading skills in the future. Besides improving vocabulary, rhyming also helps children learn the structure of a language at an early age.
Let’s talk a bit about the importance of rhyming for kids now.
Why Is Rhyming Important?
Helps Retain Information:
As mentioned earlier, rhyming is one of the easiest ways for kids to quickly retain information. If you notice, popular rhymes like “30 days hath September, April, June, and November…” and “I before E except after C” are aimed to help kids remember the alphabetical order and numbers of days in a month respectively.
Rhyming Helps In Reading And Writing:
If a child has learned how to spell cat, it wouldn’t take much effort on his part to learn the spelling of bat as well. This is the beauty of rhyming. It helps children learn words from the same word families and pick up on the patterns, which will benefit them in the long run.
Phonological Awareness:
Phonological awareness, the ability to recognize and work with the sounds in spoken language, is the foundation of reading. It’s the skill of identifying and manipulating single sounds in a word. If a kid is phonologically aware, he will be better equipped to understand that the ‘at’ sound in ‘mat’ is the same as is it is bat, sat and cat.
The Stages Of Rhyming:
Just like other language development skills, even rhyming requires time, patience, and practice. Essentially, there are three stages of rhyming, which include:
Hearing The Rhymes:
The first stage of learning rhymes is hearing or listening to the rhymes, which is pretty obvious. You can expose the kids to rhymes through songs, poems, children’s books, and nursery rhymes. Whenever you come across a rhyming word, point it to your child.
Recognizing Rhymes:
Recognition of rhymes can only come through if you expose kids to rhyming words and phrases as many times as possible. The more you expose them to rhymes, the easier it will be for them to recognize them, as quickly as they can. If your child starts to point the rhyming words himself, you can understand that they have reached the rhyme recognition stage.
Creating Rhymes:
This is a really fun and delightful stage as here kids start creating their own rhymes by the virtue of their knowledge, creativity, and understanding. It’s possible for kids to add a made-up word just to rhyme with something. So let them be. In fact, encourage them to create and rhyme as many words as they can.
List Rhyming Words For Kids
Today, Nerdy Caterpillar has brought you an extensive list of rhyming words for kids, especially for kindergarten students. We’ve sorted the words in alphabetical order for your ease. Take a look!
Words Rhyming With ‘ad’:
- bad
- cad
- clad
- dad
- fad
- had
- lad
- mad
- pad
- plaid
- sad
- tad
Words Rhyming With ‘at’:
- bat
- brat
- cat
- chat
- combat
- fat
- flat
- hat
- mat
- pat
- rat
- sat
- scat
- spat
- splat
- that
- vat
Words Rhyming With ‘ab’:
- blab
- cab
- crab
- dab
- fab
- flab
- gab
- grab
- jab
- lab
- nab
- scab
- slab
- stab
- tab
Words Rhyming With ‘ate’:
- crate
- create
- date
- fate
- gate
- great
- hate
- late
- mate
- plate
- rate
- skate
- slate
- state
- straight
- trait
- wait
- weight
Words Rhyming With ‘ack’:
- attack
- back
- black
- crack
- flack
- knack
- lack
- pack
- quack
- rack
- sack
- slack
- smack
- snack
- stack
- tack
- track
- whack
- yak
Words Rhyming With ‘ell’:
- bell
- farewell
- fell
- gel
- hotel
- motel
- sell
- shell
- smell
- spell
- tell
- well
- yell
Words Rhyming With ‘aw’:
- awe
- caw
- claw
- draw
- flaw
- gnaw
- law
- paw
- raw
- saw
- straw
- thaw
Words Rhyming With ‘ail’:
- bale
- dale
- detail
- fail
- frail
- hail
- hale
- kale
- male
- nail
- pail
- pale
- rail
- sail
- scale
- snail
- stale
- tale
- trail
- vale
- wail
Words Rhyming With ‘eek’:
- beak
- bleak
- creek
- freak
- geek
- Greek
- leek
- meek
- peek
- reek
- seek
- sleek
- week
Words Rhyming With ‘ache’:
- ache
- awake
- bake
- brake
- break
- fake
- flake
- lake
- make
- mistake
- quake
- rake
- sake
- snake
- stake
- steak
- take
- wake
Words Rhyming With ‘ay’:
- bay
- clay
- day
- gray
- hay
- jay
- lay
- may
- pay
- play
- pray
- say
- spray
- stay
- sway
- they
- tray
- way
Words Rhyming With ‘un’:
- begun
- bun
- done
- fun
- gun
- none
- one
- outdone
- run
- son
- sun
- ton
- undone
- won
Words Rhyming With ‘og’:
- blog
- bog
- clog
- cog
- fog
- jog
- log
Words Rhyming With ‘en’:
- den
- glen
- hen
- men
- pen
- ten
- then
- when
- wren
Words Rhyming With ‘ax’:
- fax
- flax
- lax
- max
- slacks
- tax
- tracks
- wax
Words Rhyming With ‘ain’:
- again
- brain
- cane
- chain
- crane
- drain
- gain
- grain
- lane
- main
- mane
- pain
- pane
- plain
- plane
- rain
- reign
- sprain
- stain
- strain
- train
Words Rhyming With ‘ace’:
- brace
- grace
- lace
- pace
- place
- race
- vase
Words Rhyming With ‘ed’:
- bed
- bled
- bread
- dead
- dread
- fed
- fled
- head
- instead
- led
- pled
- read
- red
- said
- spread
- thread
- tread
- wed
Words Rhyming With ‘am’:
- bam
- cam
- clam
- cram
- dam
- gram
- ham
- jam
- ram
- slam
- spam
- tram
- yam
Words Rhyming With ‘ing’:
- bling
- bring
- cling
- ding
- fling
- king
- ping
- ring
- sing
- sling
- spring
- sting
- string
- swing
- thing
- wing
- zing
Words Rhyming With ‘in’:
- begin
- bin
- chin
- din
- grin
- kin
- pin
- sin
- skin
- thin
- tin
- twin
- win
- within
Words Rhyming With ‘air’:
- aware
- bare
- beware
- blare
- care
- chair
- chair
- compare
- dare
- declare
- despair
- fair
- flare
- glare
- hair
- lair
- pair
- prayer
- prepare
- rare
- repair
- scare
- share
- spare
- square
- stare
- tear
- there
- unfair
- wear
- where
Words Rhyming With ‘oke’:
- awoke
- broke
- cloak
- croak
- joke
- poke
- stoke
- woke
- yoke
Words Rhyming With ‘ick’:
- brick
- click
- flick
- lick
- nick
- pick
- prick
- quick
- sick
- slick
- stick
- tick
- trick
- wick
Words Rhyming With ‘it’:
- admit
- bit
- commit
- fit
- flit
- hit
- kit
- knit
- lit
- mitt
- permit
- pit
- quit
- sit
- skit
- slit
- spit
- split
- wit
Words Rhyming With ‘et’:
- barrette
- bet
- get
- jet
- let
- met
- net
- pet
- reset
- set
- threat
- upset
- vet
- wet
- yet
Words Rhyming With ‘or’:
- boar
- bore
- chore
- core
- core
- door
- floor
- floor
- for
- fore
- fore
- four
- gore
- implore
- lore
- more
- oar
- pore
- score
- snore
- soar
- sore
- store
- store
- tore
- wore
Words Rhyming With ‘ool’:
- cool
- drool
- drool
- ghoul
- jewel
- mule
- pool
- spool
- tool
- yule
Words Rhyming With ‘all’:
- ball
- baseball
- call
- crawl
- doll
- fall
- football
- gall
- hall
- mall
- pall
- small
- squall
- stall
- tall
- thrall
- wall
Words Rhyming With ‘id’:
- bid
- did
- grid
- hid
- kid
- lid
- mid
- rid
- skid
- slid
- squid
Words Rhyming With ‘an’:
- ban
- began
- bran
- can
- fan
- flan
- man
- pan
- plan
- ran
- scan
- span
- tan
- van
Words Rhyming With ‘ear:
- bear
- clear
- dear
- fear
- gear
- hear
- leer
- near
- rear
- sear
- spear
- steer
- tear
- wear
- year
Words Rhyming With ‘ot’:
- blot
- bought
- cot
- dot
- forgot
- fought
- got
- hot
- knot
- lot
- not
- plot
- pot
- rot
- shot
- slot
- spot
- squat
- taught
- tot
- trot
Words Rhyming With ‘and’:
- band
- bland
- command
- demand
- expand
- grand
- hand
- land
- sand
- stand
- understand
Words Rhyming With ‘owl:
- cowl
- foul
- fowl
- growl
- howl
- jowl
- owl
- prowl
- scowl
Words Rhyming With ‘ow:
- bow
- brow
- cow
- how
- now
- pow
- row
- sow
- vow
- wow
Words Rhyming With ‘ite’:
- bite
- bright
- delight
- fight
- fright
- height
- kite
- knight
- light
- might
- night
- plight
- quite
- right
- slight
- tight
- tonight
- white
- write
Words Rhyming With ‘ap’:
- app
- cap
- chap
- clap
- flap
- gap
- lap
- map
- nap
- rap
- sap
- scrap
- slap
- snap
- strap
- tap
- trap
- wrap
- zap
Words Rhyming With ‘ound’
- around
- astound
- bound
- crowned
- drowned
- found
- ground
- hound
- mound
- pound
- round
- sound
- surround
- wound
Words Rhyming With ‘ar’:
- afar
- are
- bar
- car
- far
- guitar
- jar
- par
- scar
- star
- tar
Words Rhyming With ‘uck’:
- buck
- duck
- luck
- muck
- pluck
- struck
- stuck
- suck
- truck
- tuck
Words Rhyming With ‘oze’:
- blows
- bows
- flows
- froze
- grows
- hose
- nose
- prose
- rose
- those
- toes
Words Rhyming With ‘oh’:
- ago
- although
- below
- blow
- crow
- doe
- dough
- flow
- glow
- go
- grow
- know
- low
- mow
- row
- sew
- show
- slow
- snow
- stow
- though
- throw
- toe
Words Rhyming With ‘ub’:
- club
- cub
- hub
- pub
- rub
- scrub
- shrub
- stub
- sub
- tub
Words Rhyming With ‘ig’:
- big
- brig
- dig
- fig
- gig
- rig
- swig
- twig
- wig
Words Rhyming With ‘op’:
- bop
- clop
- cop
- crop
- drop
- flop
- hop
- mop
- plop
- prop
- shop
- stop
- swap
- top
Words Rhyming With ‘ump’:
- bump
- clump
- dump
- hump
- lump
- plump
- pump
- slump
- stump
- trump
Words Rhyming With ‘ip’:
- chip
- clip
- dip
- drip
- flip
- grip
- hip
- lip
- pip
- rip
- ship
- sip
- skip
- slip
- snip
- tip
- trip
- zip
We hope our list of rhyming words for children will help you build one of the most important communication skills. You can make use of these rhyming words anywhere you want, such as puzzles, short stories, poems, puzzles, a lap book, and of course, word games. If you have more such rhyming words to share, let us know by commenting below.